Build and deploy a sample web application together with instructors.
Not sure what a web application is? Read about it here.
Source code can be found here
Your sample web application should:
a. Be successfully deployed using Render.com b. Contain a blog post that describes your problem statement and solution (which will be your web app - see #2 below)
Build your own web app that solves a problem of your choice. The web app you build should meet the requirements below. You are required to present your web app on either 27 May or 28 May. More details will be updated here soon.
Articulate a user problem
Use CSS to design and style page
Interactivity with Javascript
Intuitive UX flow
Reading and writing into a database (optional)
Web app MUST be deployed to the Internet and hosted as a live website using Render, with a custom domain name and CDN purchased from Cloudflare and connected to Google Analytics.
For Advanced Participants
Advanced participants can challenge yourself to do one or more of the following:
Automated monitoring for their web app (e.g. using Datadog or Uptime Robot)
Implement Continuous Integration and Development (CI/CD) - write test cases that run automatically each time their app gets deployed, to help them catch errors
Use an automated security testing tool to prove that their web apps are secure
Web app can address a real existing problem statement contributed by other public service agencies
Last updated